thorough profile:
Linda came from the Other World
(civilized) to the New Mexico Savage Reservation with Thomas (DHC). She had
fallen down a steep place and hurt her head; some hunters from Malpais had
found and brought her to the pueblo. From there, Linda had never seen the
Director again. She became pregnant of John by Thomas but there wasn’t anything
like an Abortion Centre in the Savage Reservation, and she felt ashamed to
return with a baby to the World State, so she stayed there.
She was a Beta, stout blonde
squaw. Two of her front teeth were missing and the ones that remained were
dark. She was fat, with flabbiness, wrinkles and lines in her face; with sagging
cheeks, with purplish blotches; red veins on her nose, bloodshot eyes, enormous
breasts, a bulge in the stomach and wide hips.
She was addicted to soma in the
civilized world, but in Malpais wasn’t soma so she replaced it with mescal,
which was bringing it by Popé.
She was desperate because she
didn’t fit in the pueblo society. She wanted to return to the civilized place;
she remembered the lovely music, nice games, delicious food and drinks,
pictures with sound and smell, everybody happy and everyone belonging to
everyone else. Instead, in the pueblo, the other women told her “she-dog” and
they beat her because getting relations with men that belong to them.
with Lenina:
Both come from the civilized
world and are used to all it traditions: being addicted to soma, doing
Malthusian drill before having sexual relations, without having babies, without
growing old, doing only specific works, etc. They were in favor of what the
World State proposed, but both had been involved in situations against it: Lenina
was several months without having another man than Henry Foster and it supposed
that she had to be with more men (everyone belongs to everyone), and Linda was
pregnant so she had to stay in the Reserve.
Juan Pablo Cortés and Matías Valencia
Juan Pablo Cortés and Matías Valencia