Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Comparing Ads

Communication and Media
Comparing Ads

       For this activity we worked in pairs comparing two advertisements, one from the 60’s and other from the XXI Century.

Gordon’s Gin     
             1960’s ad (1963)
      In this ad we think that the intended audience it can be adult women, because there says that girls that ask for Gordon’s will get what they like, so if women buy that product they will have men and beauty. But also it can be adult men, because the girl of the ad attracts men attention because of her beauty.
      The girl of the ad looks like a first class person (with her jewellery and hairstyle), so here is an economic stereotype, only rich people can buy this.
       Also, this advertisement presents bias. This ad is trying to persuade people to buy this alcoholic drink instead of others. For this, they use an attractive woman, so women would think that buying this drink they can be as pretty as the girl of the ad, and men would think that drinking that, they can be with a girl like her.
       The underlying message here is: Buy Gordon’s Gin because you like it.

XXI Century’s ad (2011)

     With this ad we think that the intended audience is people that is not interested in being like posh people.
      Here is an economic stereotype, that first class people analyse everything (the wine in this case) and drink it slowly to taste it. In return, the other man think that talk about the drink is stupid, he only wants to drink it, as is said in the slogan: shall we get started?
      The bias in this ad is that this TV ad is trying to persuade people to buy this gin instead of others. So they use the slogan “shall we get started?” saying that the drink is so good that you have to start drinking it immediately.
      Finally, the underlying message here is: buy one of this and start drinking it rapidly.