Wednesday, 14 November 2012

The Media

What is?
          This word means different things depending on how it is used. A "medium" is a method of communicating information, entertainment or other messages. "Media" is the plural of medium. "Mass media" refers to methods of communicating with large numbers of people. And "the media" is refering to the sources of our news and information about current events. The media keep us informed about what is happening and what our government is doing.

The media plays different roles, some of them are:
         As "gatekeeper" the media decides which stories are important enough to receive public attention and which aren't.
        As "agenda-setter" the media select the things that will be discussed in the public sphere.
        As "watchdog" the media keeps watch on the government and it speaks out to alert if something happens that shouldn't.

Who is the media's audience?
        The media's audience is you, the public, made up of people just like you. The public influences the media because the media can't function without people's attention.